I produced this series with George Roche, Executive Director of Canadian Rights Watch, an organization dedicated to providing legal advice and representation to Canadians whose human rights have been violated due to totalitarian lockdown policies. For more information, email info@canadianrightswatch.com.

George and I are fascinated by how and why the corporate/government infrastructure has managed to convince the majority of the population to participate in draconian policies that clearly result in the financial ruin of many, while enriching the few at the top of the corporate leadership ladder. Not only that, but many of those so adversely affected by the lockdowns are adamant that this solution is the only way forward to the point of shaming those who disagree. As a result, those of us who question the official narrative are put in a position to self-censor or risk job loss, the inability to purchase goods and services, and in some cases, criminal prosecution.

We decided to produce this series to answer the questions concerning why so many are willing to follow the will of authority despite the evidence that this behavior is profoundly self-destructive, yet so unwilling to even engage in rational conversation that posits the authority may not have our best interests at heart. George’s advanced degree in family systems psychotherapy combined with my expertise in history and political philosophy provides the context for this broader conversation about why so many are willing to blindly trust the government while patently ignoring expert opinion, medical science and just plain common sense that goes against the official agenda.

Enjoy this series that explores The Psychology of Lockdown, utilizing the theories of psychoanalyst John Bradshaw to take our audience on a journey that includes the characteristics of Mystification and the Rules of Dysfunction. These ideas get to the root cause of the problem, and help describe a fully healed human being capable of dealing with the stresses of life in an integrated, rational fashion can look like. I recommend starting the series off with a look at our initial, full-length interview that provides a big picture overview of this psychological analysis of lockdown. Thanks for listening!!

Part I: Mystification

Psychology of Lockdown #1: Mystification

Welcome to this first episode of the new Psychology of Lockdown series produced by Doug McKenty, host of The Shift podcast. Doug welcomes back George Roche, the guest on Episode 54 of The Shift, for this series of shorter segments designed to explore the concept of Mystification, and how emotional trauma affects our ability to think clearly and rationally in times of stress. This first episode provides an overview of the concept of Mystification in preparation for individual concepts, following the ideas of psychotherapist John Bradshaw, elucidated in the rest of the series. The final episode will cover Individuation, which occurs after emotional healing allows for the removal of the mask of mystification. Through this process, we will undertake a psychological path of understanding the reasons why issues like cognitive dissonance and irrational thinking pervade the Psychology of Lockdown, and why so many are triggered when confronted with facts and information contrary to the corporate/government narrative.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #2: Magical Thinking

Welcome to the second of our 15 part series concerning the Psychology of Lockdown. Join host Doug McKenty as he discusses how and why so many cannot hear alternative perspectives concerning ongoing lockdown measures ostensibly to protect against the spread of Covid-19 with the Executive Director of The Line International, George Roche. Listen as we continue to understand the psychology of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias that causes so many to defer to the opinions of the corporate/government narrative and refuse to even listen to those who question the utility of mask-wearing, social distancing, business closures and other authoritarian measures despite their obvious failures. In this episode, we focus on the concept of magical thinking that is characteristic of those who continue to believe a reality long after the facts merit a change in perspective.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #3: Yearning for Fulfillment

In this third installment of the Psychology of Lockdown Series host Doug McKenty is joined once again by George Roche, Executive Director of The Line International, to discusses the second characteristic of Mystification as described by famed psychoanalyst John Bradshaw: Yearning for Fulfillment. This series is dedicated to the understanding of how and why those who support draconian lockdown measures simply cannot hear, and certainly not respect, the opinions of those concerned that the loss of civil liberties and the economic catastrophe created by lockdowns are not worth the ostensible benefits of “slowing the spread” of the coronavirus disease. This episode focuses on the concept of Yearning for Fulfillment which posits that a Mystified individual, engaged in a trauma bond with an authoritarian figure, will seek fulfillment with unhealthy habits decoupled from the critical thinking characteristic of an authentic individual. Tune in as Doug and George explore this concept and apply it to the current societal crisis engulfing the planet.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #4: The Shame Based Identity

Enjoy this fourth installment of the Psychology of Lockdown as George Roche and Doug McKenty explore the concept of the Shame-Based Identity. For those whose ideas differ from the dominant corporate/government narrative, the experience of public shaming is an all too common experience. It often appears to be weapon number one for those victimized into a trauma-based relationship with authority. This conversation explores how the Shame-Based Identity is a common characteristic of such dysfunctional relationships and how the wounded inner child will project their own shame onto those who question the dictates of an abusive government that archetypically represents the father figure with a Family Systems dynamic. If you have experienced shaming as a result of expressing your political perspectives this episode is a must.

The Psychology of Lockdown #5: The Trancelike Existence

Host Doug McKenty is joined once again to discuss The Psychology of Lockdown by George Roche, Executive Director of The Line International. In this series, we continue to define the characteristics of Mystification as defined by renowned psychoanalyst John Bradshaw. Focusing on “The Trancelike Existence”, this episode describes what George calls “the mask behind the mask.” For those many of us who are raised within authoritarian systems of government, the trauma experienced due to the emotional impact often causes a coping mechanism that denies our authentic selves in favor of the trancelike state of obedience towards the abuser. Rather than developing a fully individuated personality, capable of critical thinking and the creation of healthy boundaries, we instead fall back on blindly following authority. Many will go so far as to shame and criticize those who question. Listen as George and Doug discuss this “mask behind the mask” that often renders dialogue concerning lockdown measures difficult, or even impossible.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #6: Incomplete and Insatiable

Join George Roche and host Doug McKenty for the sixth in this series outlining the 15 characteristics of Mystification as described by legendary family therapist John Bradshaw. In this episode, George discusses the Incomplete and Insatiable personality type that just never quite gets enough of anything to feel safe and nurtured by their environment. This person will only think to “lockdown harder” until the stress of the possibility of illness is completely eradicated. When the inner child is damaged as a result of an abusive relationship with authority, this coping mechanism strives to please despite never feeling good enough to get the job done. As a result, this person is easily controlled and manipulated by people and institutions that seek to dominate over others.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #7: The Fantastic Imagination

Host Doug McKenty is joined once again by George Roche to continue the Psychology of Lockdown series in this seventh installment. In this episode, they discuss The Fantastic Imagination which describes the lengths the Mystified personality will go in order to invent a positive reality though clearly engaged in an abusive relationship with an authority figure. This series makes use of the Family Systems Therapy techniques developed by psychoanalyst John Bradshaw in order to provide a paradigm for discussion concerning the rise of political authoritarianism around the world, and why so many are not only willing participants but often enablers of authoritarian behavior.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #8: Identity, Trance, and Confusion

In this installment of the Psychology of Lockdown Series, Doug and George discuss the seventh characteristic of the state of Mystification as described by psychoanalyst John Bradshaw through the lens of Family Systems Therapy. In this episode, they discuss the notions of self-identity, trance, and confusion and dive deep into how these states of mind often make it difficult for many to apply critical thinking to political discussions. So many in our culture identify with the “left” or the “right” of the political spectrum and simply cannot break free from established narratives that conform to this pre-determined perspective. As a result, political conversations based on logic and rational capacity are discarded in favor of ideological bias. They also discuss Episode 69 of The Shift where Doug discusses the “Bullyocracy” with author Donald Jeffries. Find out how ubiquitous bullying and enforced social hierarchies contribute to the emotional abuse that causes Mystification.

The Psychology of Lockdown Series #10: Acting Out, Acting In

Join host Doug McKenty as he once again discusses the characteristics of Mystification with George Roche, Executive Director of The Line International. This series gets to the heart of the psychological trauma inflicted on all those indoctrinated into a patriarchal culture, which trains victims to follow orders based on trauma-based behavioral conditioning, rather than utilizing critical thinking to express their authentic selves. This tenth episode focuses on how many are triggered through fear into acting out, like shaming those who refuse to follow authoritarian dictates or acting in, which results in self-harming behavior such as addiction, depression, or suicide. This episode is a must for those wondering why many people have a knee-jerk reaction to support Covid lockdowns, despite overwhelming evidence that they are causing more harm than good.

The Psychology of Lockdown 11: Time Distortion

Welcome to this 11th episode in the Psychology of Lockdown series where host Doug McKenty discusses the characteristic of Mystification known as Time Distortion. Those with unhealed psychological trauma get triggered into a fight or flight state by often subtle sensations that remind the subconscious mind of a time when emotional or physical abuse or other trauma occurred. A smell, an environment or a behaviour, no matter how innocuous, can transport a former victim right back into a time when their lives may well have been in mortal danger. For those many who have been traumatized by growing up in a patriarchal hierarchy, defined by bullying authority figures that punished and shamed them for not following orders, consistent fear-based propaganda can be enough to trigger feelings and emotions that destroy critical thinking while demanding adherence to authoritarian dictates. Such is the Psychology of Lockdown.

The Psychology of Lockdown Episode 12: Otheration and Codependency

In this episode of The Psychology of Lockdown, George and I continue our exploration concerning the effects of childhood trauma on adult decision-making using Analyst Johnathan Bradshaw’s Characteristics of Mystification. The 11th characteristic describes Otheration and Codependency which causes those triggered to project personal decision-making onto others and causes a codependent relationship with authoritarian sounding sources.

The Psychology of Lockdown 13: Negative and Positive Hallucinations

Join host Doug McKenty and George Roche for this 13th episode of the Psychology of Lockdown series where they delve into the final characteristic of Mystification as defined by psychotherapist John Bradshaw. Due to the success of the series, George and Doug have decided to continue this deep dive into the psychological causes and impacts of the lockdown narrative through an exploration of the Rules of Dysfunction. These rules can help you identify dysfunctional behavior within your own family unit and aid in the cultivation of healing through awareness.

Part II: The Rules of Dysfunction

The Psychology of Lockdown 14: The Rules of Dysfunction

After wrapping up the 12 Characteristics of Mystification, George and Doug continue the Psychology of Lockdown Series with the eight Rules of Dysfunction as defined by psychoanalyst John Bradshaw. In this initial episode, they discuss all eight rules and present an overview before diving deep into each as the series continues. These rules describe the types of dysfunctional relationships that result in the coping mechanism of Mystification. Not only will you discover the abusive relationship between the individual and government that results in mind control, but you might also be surprised to find out some hidden issues within your own family!! This information is vital to all those who seek to heal the shadow self and take personal control back from subconscious traumas which prevent the individual from making conscious choices based on critical thinking.

The Psychology of Lockdown 15: Control

In this 15th episode of the Psychology of Lockdown series, George and Doug begin to delve into the heart of the Rules of Dysfunction as described by psychoanalyst John Bradshaw. This discussion focuses on the idea of Control, a form of abuse characterized by overbearing and often passive-aggressive behavior designed to manipulate the victim into complete subservience. In patriarchal, hierarchical systems, control is often applied to suppress the authentic self in others by those driven through trauma to engage in this type of coping mechanism. Clearly, control is a common tactic elicited by family and community members Mystified into believing they are protecting those around them by oppressing them thus creating the cycle of violence so prevalent in society today.

The Psychology of Lockdown 16: Perfectionism

In this 16th episode of the Psychology of Lockdown Series, host Doug McKenty dives deeper into the Rules of Dysfunction with George Roche. These Rules cover the underlying causes of the phenomenon of Mystification described earlier in the series and really get to the heart of the types of abusive behavior that lead to dysfunctional relationships. This week’s episode focuses on Perfectionism, which results in extreme denial and coping mechanisms such as projection and gaslighting that occur when the perfectionist is not capable of admitting to their own mistakes. Think about how this affects our community leaders when they believe the “consensus” of scientists has reached a “perfect” conclusion. Those at the top of the corporate/government hierarchy often suffer from this disability.

The Psychology of Lockdown 17: Blame

Enjoy as George and Doug continue to define the Rules of Dysfunction as outlined by psychoanalyst John Bradshaw. In this episode, we discuss the concept of blame and how controlling authoritarian figures within both families and governments, cannot admit to mistakes and instead project blame for their failures onto those around them. This has particularly devastating effects on the family/community dynamic as the authority never learns from their mistakes and the victim becomes confused and shamed into a state of non-action.

The Psychology of Lockdown 18: Denying the Five Freedoms

Enjoy this 18th episode of the Psychology of Lockdown series as Doug and George discuss the Fourth Rule of Dysfunction: Denying the Five Freedoms. We think you will recognize some of these…

The Psychology of Lockdown 19: The No Talk Rule

This Characteristic of Dysfunction explains a lot about what has become a prevalent experience for many of us this past year. Have you recently thought it was uncomfortable to discuss a certain subject? You might be participating in an emotionally abusive relationship. Stay tuned as George and Doug discuss the No Talk Rule.

The Psychology of Lockdown 20: The No Listen Rule

Enjoy this 20th episode of the Psychology of Lockdown Series as host Doug McKenty discusses the No Listen rule with local activist and psychology expert Genevieve Shouff. This is a must-listen for all of you who have experienced the inability for many to hear your well-reasoned critiques of current government policies relating to lockdowns and mandates. If you live in Northern California, find out more about Genevieve’s activism and how you can help at www.mendocinopatriots.org

The Psychology of Lockdown 21: The Incompletion Rule

Welcome to this 21st episode of the Psychology of Lockdown Series where host Doug McKenty speaks with activist Genevieve Shouff about The Incompletion Rule. This 7th Rule of Dysfunction as outlined by psychotherapist John Bradshaw concerns how dysfunctional relationships can often be characterized either by constant fighting, or constant conflict avoidance. Either way, issues are never resolved. Does this remind you of conversations with friends and family about lockdown policies? Find out more at www.mendocinopatriots.org.

The Psychology of Lockdown 22: The Unreliability Rule

Welcome to this episode of the Psychology of Lockdown Series which concludes our analysis of John Bradshaw’s Rules of Dysfunction. In this installment, host Doug McKenty discusses The Unreliability Rule with Genevieve Shouff, an anti-lockdown activist and Master in Psychology. Listen as they discuss how the actions of community members and government agencies follow the patterns of Unreliability outlined by Bradshaw and reflect on the similarities between a shame-based family system and the dysfunctional psychology afflicting many communities enduring the stress of lockdowns and mandates. Find out about Genevieve’s activism in Mendocino CA, by going to the Mendo Health Freedom Fighters Facebook page.

The Psychology of Lockdown 23: Healing from Dysfunction

In this final installment of the Psychology of Lockdown, host Doug McKenty discusses an overview of the principles of Mystification and the Rules of Disfunction with Genevieve Shouff. This episode also focuses on the healing that must take place after two years of enduring the dysfunction caused on a personal and community level after two years of lockdowns and mandates. If you live in Northern California and are interested in working to help minimize the damage caused, sign up at www.freedomformendo.com.